
ZORum is BACK!

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Hello from MY

Started by zuksadmin, Jan 16, 2024, 06:53 PM

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Thanks for joining. I stop by here once in a while. My personal tech support is slow using the Zuksoffroad forum. Texting is best for me. This forum belongs to you. is owned by a dozen or so Suzuki people. Phloop suggested to launch ZORum when ZK became overloaded. For us new internet users it was a disaster when ZK went down. We had lots of friends we connected with often. Previous hosting sites for ZORum crashed, got corrupted files and were lost. ZORum has been revived  for the fourth time by the one and only Phloop.

Have suggestions, need some how to use "forum lingo" tips let me know. I can add boards/topics and projects by request. Please send me a msg via the ZORum messenger. Or post in this thread. I will be notified.

My username has been the same in all the forums zorproducts.

Thanks for being part of my American Dream.